

Tree trimming for safety, reliability and the trees' health

Did you know trees are the leading cause of power outages?

这就是为什么十大网赌靠谱网址平台设计了一个修剪树木的计划,最大限度地减少树木冲突,最大限度地提高树木的健康和电力可靠性. To ensure we maintain a balance between nature and reliability, 十大国际老虎机平台只雇用经过认证的树艺师和有学位的林务员来监督十大国际老虎机平台的树木修剪活动. Based on our successful record, we’ve been recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation™, in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters, as a Tree Line USA utility for the past 15 consecutive years.

安全 first around trees

只有合格的树木承包商才能修剪树木,特别是在电线周围. 报告树枝 that may interfere with electric service.

Why preventative vegetation management is important

十大国际老虎机平台进行植被管理是十大国际老虎机平台承诺为客户提供安全可靠的电力服务的一部分. Trees in contact with electrical conductors are often problematic. 电力中断, momentary interruptions, electrically induced fires, personal property damage, and even personal injury are potential outcomes. As with most utilities, trees are among the leading causes of power outages on the 坦帕电 system. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台的植被管理项目旨在最大限度地减少树木冲突,同时最大限度地提高系统可靠性.

In our commitment to safety, we strictly follow OSHA guideline ANSI z - 133, 哪条规定只有合格的线路间隙树木修剪工才能在电力公用线路的10英尺接近空间内进行树木修剪.

In addition to making tree safety around power lines a top priority, we encourage you to follow these guidelines:

  • Overhead/underground line clearance. Overhead power lines on or near your property can interact with trees, causing power surges and other potential risks. Underground cables can also come into contact with the root systems of trees. Don't plant shrubs or flowers around electric transformers, which are located on the ground in a metal box on a concrete or plastic base.
  • Digging can be dangerous. 安全 is the most important thing to remember when working with trees large and small. Be sure to call 811 before you dig on your property to plant or move a tree. Learn more at the call before you dig page.
  • 小心你的天线. 安装电视, 卫星或无线电天线要远离电力线——至少天线的高度再加10英尺.
  • 小心行事. Educate your children about electrical safety and make them aware of overhead power lines. 如果你的孩子打算放风筝,确保他们在远离电线的开阔地带. Wet and dirty kite strings can conduct electricity.

Please keep service wires clear of vegetation

While it is 坦帕电's service responsibility to handle actual repairs to service wires, 每个客户都有责任保持他们的服务线路远离植被. 与电力基础设施(如电线)接触的植被可能导致电力中断或更危险的情况.

十大国际老虎机平台的合同采油树工作人员在日常维护期间定期评估服务电线. If there's a mechanical strain on the wire, crews may trim at that time. 在某些情况下,为了完全清除服务线路,需要客户进行进一步的工作.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台, upon customer request, de-energize (or "drop") the service wire to allow for the safe completion of such work. 只有有执照和受过训练的专业人员才能修剪电线和其他带电设备附近的树木. 十大国际老虎机平台敦促那些在电线附近修剪树木的人格外小心,以免造成严重伤害或死亡.

如果你认为你的电线有问题并希望十大网赌靠谱网址平台重新评估它的状况, 请 报告一个问题 或联络十大国际老虎机平台的 Customer Care department.


Electric service for you home and community is important. 你的树也是如此. When we trim trees growing too near or into power lines, we prioritize both. To maintain reliability and tree health, 坦帕电 adheres to the Florida Administrative Code, 第366章, Public Utilities Statute 366.04, National 电气安全 Coe (NESC) Section 21, 第2部分, Rule 218 and the American National Standards Institute pruning standards (ANSI) A300, 第1部分, Part 7和Z-133, as well as the special companion publication, Best Management Practices – Utility 修剪 of Trees.


坦帕电 uses qualified professional tree trimming contractors that follow ANSI a - 300 and OSHA guidelines to manage the vegetation around our electrical facilities. To accomplish this, we use two types of pruning:

  • 横向修剪:在自然剥离点移除树枝,以帮助促进修剪部位周围的愈合.
  • 定向修剪:故意修剪那些向导体方向生长的树枝,训练树木远离电力设施.

Cutting limbs to proper laterals helps minimize re-sprouting, which reduces the amount of re-growth into electrical facilities. 修剪 to a proper lateral does not harm the tree's natural defense systems. Instead, this helps protect the tree from decay. Note: is not our primary intent to trim the whole tree or to trim for aesthetic purposes.

Importance of routine pruning

A tree that is not maintained on a routine cycle will assume its normal form, which may put it in danger of coming into contact with electrical infrastructure, resulting in the need to extensively prune or remove the tree.

Minimize the number of cuts

十大网赌靠谱网址平台的树木修剪人员努力减少对树木的修剪次数,以防止对树木造成严重伤害. 高质量植被管理的目的是去除向公用设施方向生长的整个树枝. When clearance distances are specified (for example, 10英尺),应在规定距离以外的母枝的下一个合适的侧面进行切割.


定向修剪(也称为自然修剪)是最有效的,当树的特征,如大小, shape and expected growth rate are taken into consideration. 对设施正下方(左)或旁边(右)生长的树木进行适当的定向修剪,有助于引导未来树木远离设施生长.

Removal of overhanging vegetation may or may not be necessary, depending on the type of utility facility, tree species and other factors. 在高压输电线路等高优先级设施上,悬垂是绝对不可接受的.

排在 and stubbing

排在, topping or stubbing severely damages trees (see diagram at left) is a discredited practice. Many tree species respond to this type of pruning with a flush of fast-growing sprouts, which can rapidly overtake facilities (right).


Many palm species grow large enough to affect utility facilities. Their large fronds sway in the wind and may break free, causing damage to equipment. Palms cannot be reduced in height or directionally pruned like other trees. The best solution for palms interfering with utility facilities is removal or relocation.

*来源:树木的最佳管理实践实用修剪- ANSI A300第1部分:树的特殊伴侣出版物, 灌木, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance - Standard Practices, 修剪. Copyright International Society of Arboriculture. Used with Permission. International Society of Arboriculture, P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, Il 61826-9411. 


Whenever you plant trees, 重要的是要考虑在哪里种植它们,并确保你种植的是正确的树木. 参考十大国际老虎机平台的 植树 & 安全指南 寻求帮助.

种植 responsibly around electrical infrastructure

While we use pruning methods that prioritize the health of trees, you can do your part by planting trees and shrubs appropriate distances from power lines, transformers and other types of electrical equipment. Because city and county guidelines for planting vary, be sure to check those that apply to your community. 确定十大网赌靠谱网址平台和佛罗里达州其他地下公用事业服务线路的位置, 电话免费 811.

通过精心管理和布局良好的植被,提高可靠性意味着您和您的邻居可以减少电力中断. More importantly, trees that touch power lines can create dangerous situations. In general, only licensed professionals should prune trees. That's especially true with trees near electrical infrastructure. 十大国际老虎机平台的工作人员只需填写网站表格或打个电话就可以了,所以如果你看到树木长到电线上,请告诉十大国际老虎机平台.

Energy efficiency and more As with safety and reliability, one of 坦帕电's top priorities is helping our customers save energy. We have numerous programs, many of them free, that can help. Trees also can make a difference.

Did you know that planting deciduous trees, which lose their leaves for part of the year, 在你家的东西两侧,夏天可以冷却10度,冬天可以加热10度? Shading your air conditioning unit with trees can help it run more efficiently, reducing your electricity consumption by up to 10 percent. You can gain additional benefits by shading sidewalks, driveways and patios.

When planting, go native – or at least Florida-friendly

It's important for the sake of the trees you plant, as well as the environment, to plant native trees as much as possible and to avoid planting invasive species. Native plants are better suited to local growing conditions. 另一方面,入侵物种可能会失去控制,扼杀有益物种.

Florida-friendly plants are those that, while not native to the state, grow well in the appropriate regions and zones. With the right native and Florida-friendly vegetation, you not only have species more likely to thrive, but also plants and shrubs that need less water, fertilizer and overall care.


A. This can depend on several factors, including tree canopy, age and type of equipment, activity of wildlife among other things.

A. Trees are among the leading causes of power outages. Trees can cause outages, momentary interruptions or fires. 十大国际老虎机平台的树修剪程序旨在最大限度地减少树冲突,同时最大限度地提高系统可靠性.

A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 be able to trim trees more frequently, 适当的, 在极端天气事件中,什么应该限制树木碎片造成停电的可能性. This plan includes trimming up to 700 additional miles of trees each year.

A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台雇佣持证的树艺师和有学位的林务员来监督其修剪树木的活动.

In addition, all tree contractors are line-clearance qualified arborists. 坦帕电 has been awarded the Tree Line USA designation for 15 consecutive years.

A. 坦帕电 complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. We primarily use two types of pruning, which meet those standards:

  • 横向修剪:在自然剥离点移除树枝,以帮助促进修剪部位周围的愈合.
  • 定向修剪:故意修剪那些向导体方向生长的树枝,训练树木远离电气设备.

Cutting limbs to proper laterals helps minimize sprouting, which reduces the amount of re-growth into electrical equipment. 修剪 to a proper lateral does not harm the tree's natural defense systems. Instead, this helps protect the tree from decay.

A. Trees can interfere with overhead power lines on or near your property, causing power surges and other potential risks. Underground cables can also come into contact with the root systems of trees.

你和你的邻居可以通过避免在变压器周围种植灌木或鲜花来提供帮助, which are located on the ground in a metal box on a concrete or plastic base. 参考十大国际老虎机平台的 植树 & 安全指南 学习正确的树木如何安全地种植和维护,使十大国际老虎机平台的社区变得美丽.

For digging projects large and small, Florida law states that property owners and excavators MUST call 811 or go to sunshine811.com 在挖掘前至少两个完整的工作日,在挖掘现场标记地下公用线路.

这是 step-by-step process of exactly how it works. 在挖掘之前没有拨打811导致佛罗里达人无意中撞到了地下公用线路, which can lead to injury, 处罚, 维修费用, and inconvenient utility service interruptions.

